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Create iPad friendly page flipping brochures to gain more audiences from iPad and mobile

iPad Digital Publishing Software Page Flipping Brochure iPad Brochures Page Flip Animation

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Top 3 iPad Digital Publishing Tools Make Reading on iPad A Lot Easier

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Whenever you walk down in the street, you can see someone tapping away on the iPad or smartphone. Mobile has changed our day-to-day life and turned people especially the younger ones into phubbing (smartphone addicts). Well, but you cannot just deny the magic of these handheld devices. And in fact, that has become a part of the lifestyle and even our culture. iPad has made our life more diversified. No exaggeration, anything can be done on an iPad. We watch movies, play game, do shopping and reading.

Since people are reading on iPad, it is insightful to create digital brochures for the iPad users. Yet, simply offering an iPad brochure will not gain you too many readerships. It will make a big difference with an eye-catching iPad brochure that interacts with readers a lot. In this case, iPad digital publishing software is the ideal solution. With such a tool, you can easily publish iPad friendly brochures with impressive page flip animation. And this article will focus on 3 powerful page flip brochure software for iPad.

3 iPad Brochure Publishing Software Review


I rank Pub HTML5 is developed based on HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery technologies. It does not require you to write any code and all you need to do is make choice with clicks. You import a PDF brochure, customize it with templates, themes, design settings, multimedia elements, animation and interactions, and then with a push on the PUBLISH button, you just make a wonderful page flipping brochure for iPads and mobilephones.

2. Flip HTML5

From design to publish and to deliver, Flip HTML5 can make it quick in a few minutes. And you do not have to worry about the quality of your iPad brochures. This iPad digital publishing software can transplant all digital experiences to the iPad.

3. Flip PDF Professional

You may underestimate Flip PDF Professional because it is on Flash. But as a matter of fact, it is an integrated combination of Flash and HTML5. This flip book maker can also make an independent HTML5 version of your brochure and it can be accessed from iPad with ease.

>> Next Paper: Fabulous Pageflip Javascript Digital Brochures to Engage Audiences

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