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Help Center Desktop Client Animation Editor

Add an animated sprite and spot light 3886 Views

As a free HTML5 digital publishing platform for magazines, brochures, catalogs and more, PubHTML5 processes a powerful animation editor, with which you could add lots of the multimedia into your flip book, like the animated sprite and spot light.

1. Add animated sprite

Step(1). Click “More” – “Sprite”

Step(2). Choose a Sprite and click “OK”.

Step(3). Click the “ + ” to choose the animation of your sprite, and finally click “OK”.

Step(4). Name the animation.

2. Add spot light.

Step(1). Click “More” – “Spot Light”.

Step(2). Move the spot light to a suitable place and customize the time with “Time Line”

Step(3). The below picture is the preview effect of spot light.

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