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PubHTML5 Scheduled Server Maintenance on (GMT) Wednesday, October 14th, 1:00 - 4:00 am.
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Add Password Protection (Security) to digital catalog

Set access permission to allow authorized visitors to read your HTML5 online catalog

For digital marketers and site owners, heavy traffic is the most exciting news because it can generate favorable profit. And this is no exception for digital publishers and writers as they really need people to read their digital publications, the more, the better. And Pub HTML5 can help you achieve all these by converting a dull PDF file to a gorgeous online digital catalog with vivid sliding effect and visual rich media.

However, on the contrary, sometimes we have something to hide from excessive exposure and we just want to share with families and friends. For example, you won't be willing to share your family tree with strangers. Similarly, you will never want to show your company confidential info or strategy to the public especially rivals. Still, you want to share with some specific persons.

But how can you make your online digital catalog only available to those who have been granted with access permission by you? Pub HTML5 will help you with this even after you publish the HTML5 digital catalog online.

Try PubHTML5 free and create your own digital
interactive magazines

Safety certification through Virustotal.