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PUBHTML5 Desktop Version

The Advanced Functions Of PUBHTML5 Desktop Version

The online convert of allows users to upload ducuments from local files dierctly. The users can turn pdf files into Html5 Digital Magazines, Catalog, Brochures and more at our conversion platform. However, the online convert service only supports the setting of themes and templates so far. If you want to use the advanced functions such as animate edit, hyperlink insert, media embed to create interactive digital publications, you have to download the software and install at your PC. Once you install PUBHTML5, you can to customized your book content and create user-friendly reading experience.

Download windows Html5 Digital Magazines Creator Download mac PDF to html5 converter

The interface of the PUBHTML5 Desktop

PUBHTML5 interface screenshot

The page editor function

page editor function

Animation editor to create interactive effect

animation editor

YouTube Video

Embed YouTube Video to Publication

Embedding YouTube Video to digital publication is one of the awesome functions of PUBHtml5. A YouTube video will make the brochures more interesting and lively. Add a YouTube video to a page by copying the video ID.

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page edit

Build-in Page Editor & Rich Media

Make your products the centrepiece through high definition images & embedded video. The responsive catalogue layout is conducive to browsing. Intuitive gesture control ensures the user has an enjoyable, interactive browsing experience.

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html zip output

HTML or Zip Publication

Import PDF or other format documents from your desktop, edit the detail of the pages and convert it into digital books, you are allowed to output publication as html or zip version and then use it in your online page.

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batch convert

Batch Convert

PUBHTML5 allows you to convert multiple PDF files to publications easily and set "import page ranges", page quality and size. Besides this, you can also import original resources from PDF files, like PDF links, text and image content too.

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embed button

Embed Button to Publication

Different default image of buttons can be applied to any pages. Users are able to customize the button icon. Moreover, various actions can be added to the buttons, such as a hyperlink, slideshow etc.

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google analytics track

Tracking with Google Analytics

Turn your digital publication onto an efficient marketing tool to track your readers and know your audience by linking it directly to your Google Analytics account. This tool that is integrated with the magazine maker software will enable you learn about you audience behavior including the number of new visitors, the turnout of the existing visitors and much more. learn more

print publication

Print Specific Pages

When you are reading a digital book, magazine, or catalogue, some pages may interest you or be useful to you, so you can print pages of digital book to keep them physically. Now you can print the specific pages as you like!

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bookmark setting

Defined Bookmarks

Our desktop publishing software enables you to mark sections or pages with bookmarks and notes. Readers will be able to add notes and bookmarks in your digital brochures publications, allowing them to reference interesting points of the publication in the future.

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add links

Import Hyperlinks

PUBHTML5 automatically detects and replaces any web or email links with live links in your pdf file. There is no need to mark your links manually. This feature which is included in PUBHTML5 can save you valuable time and enables you to efficiently publish your digital publication

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Insert Audio to Page

Animation Editor & Empower Catalog

PUBHTML5 Animation Editor doesn't allow you to add rich media to the brochures, but also enables you to display the media flexibly using the Time Line. All the embedded objects such as text and video can be scheduled to display in different effect and time.

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Insert Audio to Page

Insert Audio to Digital Product Catalog

Inserting Audio to Page is a splendid feature in PUB Html5. All MP3 format sound files can be imported as the background sound. Besides, in Edit Page interface, the audio files can be added to any pages of online publication.

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Customize Templates Style

Customize Templates Style

PUBHTML5 advanced skin editing allows you to make unlimited design adjustments to your online publication. Customize the look and feel by choosing your preferred colors, background, audio, visual page transitions and button controls design. Your digital viewer can include your logo and branding with our White Label feature that is included in PUBHTML5. learn more

office convert

MS Office Conversion

PUBHTML5 is a powerful digital catalogs maker software which does not only support PDF files, but also supports almost all office format, including *.doc; *.docx; *.ppt; *.pptx; *.xls; *.xlsx; *.odt; and so on.

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mp4 embed

Embed MP4 Video to Publication

Embedding an MP4 video is the best way to show something wonderful in a online publication with ease. It provides users with a visual way to make the publication vivid.

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tool setting

Show or Hide Tool Buttons

There are a variety of functional buttons displayed in the toolbar on each template. With PUBHTML5 custom settings, users can decide whether to show or hide the functional buttons.

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PDF convert feature

Password Protection - Security

We take security seriously! Our cloud-based solution allows you to restrict access and protect your PDF content.

Limit access to content and even leverage your own database to authenticate users remotely Blocked management for private content - you can even lock our support team from seeing your content .learn more

Try PubHTML5 free and create your own digital
interactive magazines

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